The Hungerfords: a poem, Ian Ellis;
The Saga of Heritage, Dr TG Hungerford;
The Home is the Hunter, Marcia Hungerford Clarke;
Heritage Week Tour 1989, Ron Prentice;
Font Hill: Historians make Second Visit (reprinted from the Newcastle and Hunter District Historical Society Journal, May 1949, Vol III, Part VIII).
Welcome to the first issue of the Journal of the Hungerford and Associated Families Society. Appropriately, our first article is a contribution by our Patron, Dr Tom Hungerford OBE. He tells us something of his heritage and his personal understanding of it.
Mrs. Marcia Clarke of Brighton, Victoria has been researching Hungerford family history for longer than most of us. She relates the beginning of our Australian Branch of the Hungerford family: the lives of Emanuel and Catherine Hungerford and their voyage from Cork to New South Wales.
One of the aims of this Journal is to distribute primary source material about the Hungerford and associated families among researchers. In connection with this aim, a reprint of ES Lauchland’s article Font Hill appears, with permission of the Newcastle and Hunter Valley District Historical Society. This was in fact the second article on the subject. However, the first was not as detailed, so the second article appears in this Journal.
The final article recounts what turned out to be the unofficial beginning of the Society’s the 1989 Heritage Week Tour in which several Foundation Members took part. Ron Prentice writes about the many homes, churches, towns and institutions the group visited on this memorable excursion. Although they did not know it at the time, those involved formed the nucleus of the Society from which we are now expanding.
I trust that this Journal lays a solid foundation on which future Journals may build. However, before more time goes by, a name must be found for the Journal! It would be nice to call it something other than the Journal of the HAFS. (Although as Marcia Clarke said, better to be “the HAFS than the Have-Nots!!”). If you have any ideas on a name for this publication, please Contact me soon.
1The second issue of the Journal will be available in November. It will concentrate on the Winder and Chapman families, and their connections with the Duke of Wellington.
Peter Sherlock