‘The Way It Was’ (Part I): The Memoirs of Richard Hungerford [H.9a.2b]
Munglinup Reunion, by Pauline Tyrrell;
Recollections of Early Munglinup, by ‘Jack’ Compagnoni;
John Tyrrell Kelman [E.2.4a.7b.1c], by Pauline Tyrrell;
by Charles Sherlock
Three of the articles in this issue of the HAFS Journal are closely inter-related, revolving around HAFS families, past and present, associated with the rural town of Munglinup, in Western Australia.
Special thanks are due to Pauline Tyrrell, who not only participated in the reunion of the town, but wrote it up, and followed through with a second article, on John Tyrrell Kelman – ‘JT’. Pauline was also able to obtain the ‘Recollections’ of ‘Jack’ Compagnoni, whose family has many links with HAFS, and gather an excellent collection of photographs, both old and new.
These three inter-laced articles offer a multi-dimensional picture, not only of the early years of this part of Western Australia, but also of the lives, work, community involvement and personal interests of the families concerned.
The opening article is also a recollection – a ‘Memoir’ transcribed from a cassette recording made by Richard Hungerford [H.9a.2b] by Elizabeth Hungerford, to whom our considerable thanks are due. We also thank Richard’s three children, Nigel, Robin and Judy, for making this Memoir available for publication. This first Part offers in particular an ‘inside’ perspective on British military life between the Wars, and the ‘class’ issues involved.
This is the third issue of Volume Nine of the HAFS Journal. The fourth issue, concluding Volume Nine, will include the remainder of Richard’s Memoir, covering his wide experience of British colonial life. And then the Journal’s Volumes enter double figures! It is a great credit to the indefatigable efforts of HAFS members such as Pauline and Elizabeth that the Journal continue to publish original, readable and informative material.