Philippa Shelly Jones [E.2.3a.6b.5c.2d.1e] was recently elected to the Board of the Society of Australian Genealogists. She is also the Editor of the publication ASSOCIATIONS at Associations Forum and has previously worked as a solicitor. She has a Bachelor of Arts/Law, Grad Dip in Education and Certificate in Genealogical Research. Philippa brings with her a wealth of experience which will be an asset to the Society.

Philippa’s entry on the SAG website states: “I practised as a commercial litigation solicitor for around 12 years, after which I dabbled in various pursuits whilst raising my family. I am currently involved in the not-for-profit sector as editor of Associations Forum’s magazine, ASSOCIATIONS. My interest in genealogy was sparked in earnest around 10 years ago by my father. I pursue his paternal and maternal lines whenever I get a free moment, which is not often enough. I joined SAG in 2015 and have completed the Certificate course. I developed an interest in governance through my involvement with Associations Forum and the completion of the AICD Company Directors Course.”