
Any piece with a primary focus about a person or persons (eg a family or siblings) but not otherwise specifically categorised

Margaret Wolfe Hungerford

“The Duchess” – Margaret Wolfe Argles Hungerford

“Beauty is in the eye of the beholder” is a quote that is well known to all of us and was originally penned by Margaret Wolfe Argles Hungerford [H.2a=] (born 27 April 1859) in her book Molly Bawn, the story of a flirtatious and petulant Irish girl, who arouses her lover’s jealousy and naively ignores social conventions. Initially publishing under the nom de plume “The Duchess”, the life and times of Margaret Wolfe Argles Hungerford is celebrated annually on the “Duchess Who Wasn’t Day”.

“The Duchess” – Margaret Wolfe Argles Hungerford Read More »