HAFS Journal Vol 10 No 1 – May 2009


Hungerford Stories from Far North Queensland in the 1880s: the Infamous Case of Clarke & Hungerford, by Pauline Tyrrell;

Hungerford Descendants: Awards, Part 1, by Pauline Tyrrell;



This issue of the HAFS Journal begins our tenth volume, representing two decades of twice-yearly copies of original ‘Hungerfordiana’. Congratulations to all who have researched, written and supplied photographs, diagrams and charts during that time. That such a small society has been able to sustain this fruitful productivity is the best accolade which can be given to the diligence of our authors.

Volume Ten opens with the results of a fascinating journey of research undertaken by Pauline Tyrrell into the misdemeanours, ructions and reputations of some life-and-death happenings among North Queensland Hungerfords in the nineteenth century. Most readers are likely to breathe a sign of relief that we do not live in times when travel involved such fragile and fraught happenings.

The second article, also from Pauline Tyrrell, commences a series cataloguing official awards given by governments to members of the Hungerford and related families. War-time in the modern era has seen more recognition given to the extra-ordinary service rendered by ‘ordinary’ men and women. This practice was renewed with the inauguration of the Australian system of awards from 1975, pleasingly a matter to which bipartisan political support has been sustained.

Enjoy another issue of ‘fascinating reading’!


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