Two pieces of Australian history: The Cullin-a-ringo Massacres & Tom Wills, by Pauline Tyrrell;
Hungerford Descendants: Awards, Part 2, by Pauline Tyrrell;
James Vernon [E.2.3a.8b.2c], by Pauline Tyrrell;
Hungerfords and the Smithsonian Institution, by John BS Hungerford;
An eerie Hungerford story:
Introduction, by Judith Fitz-Henry;
Story, by Marcia Hungerford Clark;
Sir Edward Hungerford (1632-1711), by Jenny Wilson;
The Burkitt Ladies, by Peter Halliday.
This issue of the HAFS Journal contains an interesting variety of articles embracing a wide range of topics relating to places near and far, times long gone and of more recent vintage.
Pauline Tyrrell continues her series on Hungerford Descendants’ Awards, and contributes two pieces related to Tom Wills, touching central motifs of Australian identity—Aboriginal-European relations, and sport. Tom Wills, the massacre of whose family led to further slaughter, was Australia’s pioneer professional sporting identity.
At the HAFS Annual General Meeting in 2008, four short presentations were made arising from members’ research. These have been revised for publication, and are printed in this issue. Many thanks to Judith Fitz-Henry, John Hungerford, the prolific Pauline Tyrrell and Jenny Wilson for their contributions.
The last article, from Peter Halliday, recounts the diverse lives of the three ‘Burkitt Ladies’ and their formidable mother, ‘Gandy’. It is evocative of the life-style of many professional Sydney families in the first half of the twentieth century, and a valuable addition to the HAFS heritage. The photographs which Peter has supplied add considerably to the writing.
Finally, it should be noted that this issue of the Journal is cognate to, and contemporaneous with, the publication of Amy: A Mosaic of the Recollections of Amy Stewart Lewis (née Hungerford) covering the period 1898 – 1943. This 116-page book is available from the the HAFS Treasurer and Secretary, and is highly recommended to all readers of the Journal.