HAFS Journal Vol 13 No 1 – May 2015


Hungerford-French-Viking Connections, by Gavin Donald;

Robert Ellington Greenwood [E.2.7a.7b], by Lesley Jane Abrahams;

Hungerford Homes: Bramhall, by Brett Harvey;

Owlpen A Tale of Two Historic Homes, by Pauline Tyrrell;

Alexander William Sheppard [L.XIV.ii.2.5a.3b=], by Angela Lind.



Two significant themes run through most of the articles in this, the first issue of the thirteenth volume of the HAFS Journal: three significant Hungerford homes and two heroes.

First, however, comes an article offering a very long-term perspective on Hungerford forebears, taking us back centuries, thanks to a new contributor, Gavin Donald. His writing is grounded in much patient research: in particular, the Tables he has compiled yield much fruit.

As regards Hungerford homes, Brett Harvey recounts the changes in the life of the still-standing Bramhall in Strathfield NSW, once owned by Florence Edith Chapman [E.8.7a] and Charles Frederick Lindeman [E.8.7a=], having links to the Lindeman wine family.

Pauline Tyrrell does double duty in exploring Owlpen in Farley NSW, built by Captain Emanuel Hungerford for his son Robert, against the background of its namesake in Gloucestershire, England. Pauline has also provided a genealogical chart which shows clearly the relationships between the Hungerford and Daunt families: this can be found on the inside back cover of this issue.

It is always encouraging to read the stories of men and women who have served with honour and distinction. Lesley Jane Abrahams recalls the sustained medical care which Robert Ellington Greenwood [E.2.7a.7b] offered in World War I. Angela Lind draws our attention to the signicant career of Alexander William Sheppard [L.XIV.ii.2.5a.3b=] in both war and peace, especially his abiding concern for the welfare of the people of Greece.

This wide range of material – historic, personal and ‘bricks and mortar’ – bodes well for another stimulating and rich Volume of the HAFS Journal. And I am delighted to add that good penmanship is accompanied by excellent illustration.

On behalf of the Society, may I express our considerable thanks for the care in research and writing which each author has made to our Journal.

Charles Sherlock

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