Mary Kate Hungerford [E.6.12a] and Gregan McMahon, by Gregan McMahon.
Houses of the Hunter Valley, by Brett Harvey and Pauline Tyrrell;
Hungerford Heraldry (ctd) by Lesley Jane Abrahams.
Rarely has an issue of the HAFS Journal had so many photographs and graphics. Many of the old photographs were printed in sepia, which comes across reasonably well in black and white, though the ‘old’ feel is not quite there. Some more modern photographs of houses suffer from ‘seventies’ colour, which changes over time, but again, these have come up fairly well in black and white.
The graphs of the heraldic shields, however, contain brilliant colour, and it is unfortunate that not all can be reproduced as in their originals. Even so, some are presented on the covers of this edition, and the web version of this issue will include all photographs in their original colours.
What then of the written content of this issue?
Lesley Abrahams [H.4a.1b.1c.1d / E.6.5a.1b.1c.1d] has picked up the ‘heraldry’ mantle originally worn by Ron Prentice and Ron Mathieson, to give us both an understandable introduction to the subject in general, and to Hungerford heraldry in particular.
Moving from heraldry to houses, Brett Harvey [E.1.1a.15b.1c.1d.1e=] and Pauline Tyrrell [E.2.4a.10b.1c.2d=], assisted by the photographic skills of Taran Harvey [E.1.1a.15b.1c.1d.1e.2f], document a wide range of dwelling places of Hungerford and associated families, both past and present. This approach to our heritage offers a ‘three-dimensional’ perspective, giving glimpses into the domestic and social settings in which our forebears lived – and some members still do!
But the issue opens with a ‘classic’ piece of literary-based research from Gregan McMahon [E.6.12a.1b.5c], telling the story of his grandparents, Mary Kate Hungerford and his namesake, both of them key players in the dramatic arts of Sydney and beyond. And Gregan’s work is not without its illustrated side, either, in letters, photographs, a cartoon and royal award.
On behalf of the Society, may I express our considerable thanks for the care in research and writing which each author has made to our Journal, taking us into new dimensions of research and learning.
Charles Sherlock