Back to our Roots, incl. Black Bourton Parish Records, by Kathleen Tomkins;
Hungerfords and Associates at Lochinvar, by John Hungerford;
Hungerford Heraldry Part II, by Ron Mathieson;
Determining Relationships using Hungerfords Down Under, by John Hungerford.
This Journal has been the longest in the making of any to date — some seven months longer than it should have taken to see light of day. Computer breakdowns, work pressures and family illnesses have all intervened, and at some times I wondered if the task were impossible. Nevertheless, the end result is, I think, worthwhile, continuing in the tradition of opening up new avenues of Hungerford family research, and disseminating more established knowledge.
Kathy Tomkins, a descendant of Captain Emanuel Hungerford of New South Wales, has been living in Ireland for over a year, and has taken the opportunity of proximity to visit several Hungerford sites. She has made some very exciting discoveries in County Cork, of which more in future issues, but also made the pilgrimage to some of the key Hungerford towns and villages in the Cotswolds in England. Her distinctive look at Windrush, Black Bourton and Down Ampney prompted me to go back to the filing cabinet to see what else we know about the families who lived in these places, and as a result the front cover tells us of the major Hungerford monument at Down Ampney, and we include the Black Bourton parish registers in place of the usual ‘Hungerford List’.
A recent HAFS gathering took place in the Hunter Valley once more, and included the Annual Church Service at Holy Trinity Lochinvar, in the heart of Winder and Hungerford country. Our Secretary, John Hungerford, has compiled a list of related BDMs which took place in this church, printed here. He has also taken the opportunity to re-visit his work on calculating kinship relations using the new Hungerfords Down Under, for it contains no less than seven different family lines instead of the two lines previously appearing in the old Hungerfords of the Hunter. Enjoy working out just how you are related to the rest of the Society!
Finally, we have the second of Ron Mathieson’s tri-partite examination of Hungerford heraldry, following through each of the major personages in the family and the acquisition of more ‘quarters’ for the family achievement through marriage.