HAFS Journal Vol 9 No 1 – May 2007


‘Aunt Ethel’: Ethel May Hungerford [E.6.13a], by Betty Crowley;

Surveying New South Wales – The Pathfinders, by Angela Lind (compiler);

The Corbett Family, by Gill Meteyard;

Hungerford Lands, by Dennis Martin (compiler);

Hungerford and Associated Families and the First World War, by Rebecca Lundy;



The articles in this issue of the HAFS Journal – the first of Volume Nine – are full of facts about a variety of people associated with the Society. Their writ- ers have put long hours into compiling the data, which is sure to afford research opportunities for further understanding of the relationships and contexts of our forebears.

Many articles in the Journal reflect on people’s domestic life, or set career, interests or other life involevments in that context. This issue is noteworthy for offering not only articles which arise from the family context (‘Aunt Ethel’, ‘The Corbett Family’, and one tracing ‘Hungerford Lands’, a necessary aspect of family connection) but also others which set out the involvement of our forebears in the profession of surveying (Surveying New South Wales – The Pathfinders’), and the costly commitment of enlistment in Australia’s armed forces by members of the ‘Hungerfords and Associated Families in the First World War’.

It is also significant that two of the articles had their origins in work done as follow-up to articles in earlier issues of this Journal. Readers are encouraged to emulate the excellent example of these writers!

Reading ‘facts’ makes for less easy digestion than narrative texts, but this issue of the HAFS Journal is also fortunate in that many of the authors have been able to set the facts they present in context, putting flesh on the bones of their diligent research.

Thank you to all those who have searched, compiled, written, and found and lent photograph in order to see another interesting issue of the HAFS Journal reach the printer.


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