This index provides a cross-reference to all the HAFS Journals and HAFS Newsletters published from 1991 to 2024. The index lists people, places and topics appearing within both publications (for a condensed list of HAFS Journal article titles and authors, see our Table of Contents of HAFS Journals). Many thanks go to Lesley Abrahams [H.4a.1b.1c.1d/E.6.5a.1b.1c.1d] for her time and skills maintaining the index, a work started by her mother Meredyth Hungerford [H.4a.1b.1c=/E.6.5a.1b.1c=].
You can scroll the PDF embedded below or press the “Download PDF” button to open the index in a new window and expand it for searching the contents (use Ctrl F). The Index can also be downloaded and saved using this button. Note that the index is nearly 190 pages long, so for a printed copy, go to our online shop. Back copies of Journals and Newsletters are also available there.
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© The Hungerford & Associated Families Society Inc 2024
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