What do your cousins get up to in their spare time? In late 2014 my cousin Penelope Kentish [E.6.13a.2b.4c.1d] and her husband Ian Hunt acquired a “minibago” (for want of a better word). The truck was quickly named The Earwig (Wiggie for short) and if you wonder why this name, have a close look at the number plate.
While Pen and Ian had undertaken several adventurous activities in their retirement (including motorbike tours and several camping trips around Australia), it appeared that the World beckoned so in May 2015 they loaded “everything” on a boat and headed for North America.
Once in the USA, they just started driving and apart from the occasional trip back to Australia to visit family etc, they have been driving ever since!

Pen and Ian headed North to Alaska, then zig-zagged south-east through Canada, down the east cost of the USA then another zig-zag across to the west coast. Then down through Mexico and Central America (including a side trip to Cuba) and now down the west coast of South America (again, with side trips to the Amazon and Galapagos Islands). At present, Pen and Ian are heading North after spending some time in Patagonia at the bottom of South America.

Future plans (as yet undecided) after driving back up the east coast of South America include going over to South Africa and then head north through Africa and Europe, followed by Asia (or maybe the other way round). You can follow their travels on Facebook. This is a closed group so you will need to get permission to join, just mention you are a HAFS member. There is also a blog at Travels in the Earwig.
My overall impressions from the journey is the incredible friendliness and generosity of the many, many “locals” Pen and Ian have met on their way (and who have often helped with broken bits and pieces on Wiggie – many of the roads are very rough) as well as the many fellow travellers Pen and Ian meet as they drive.
What a great story. Look forward to any updates.
Ahh Lesley – you need to join the Facebook group and then you can see the travels and pics etc almost in real time!
Which facebook group do you mean?
Ahhh, just click on the “Facebook” link in the 2nd last paragraph and you should go to the group (called “Travels In The Earwig”). You will have to apply to join the group but say you are a member (President) of HAFS, a cousin and friend of Michael Cooper. That should provide my cousin Penelope with your bona fides. Let me know if any issues, once a member you should get regualr emails of new posts with lots of pics etc of the travels.